Smokey Bean Chilli

I thought a good place to start given the current situation would be to share a recipe that is super easy to make and can be done with things you'll probably have kicking about in the back of the cupboard. The recipe is, of course, gluten free but it's also accidentally vegan (I can literally hear my best friend cheering). So cue my favourite invention... Smokey Bean Chilli. Although, here's the disclaimer: I actually adapted this recipe from a friend so maybe I can't actually claim it as my own. But shoutout to Grace for the inspo and here is my version... 

Makes approximately 4-6 portions (depending how generous you are). I portion any leftovers into Tupperware and pop it in the freezer for another day!

You will need: 
1x tin of baked beans (I always use Heinz because I am a bean snob. Plus they're gluten free and vegan) 
1x tin of kidney beans
1x tin of cannellini beans
1x tin of chopped tomatoes 
300ml of vegetable stock (I used an Aldi vegetable stock cube) 
1x red onion 
Frylite (or Aldi alternative, in my case)
Cracked black pepper
Smoked paprika 
Medium chilli powder 
Rice to serve - I'm awful at cooking rice, so Uncle Ben's 2 minute "ping rice" is my best friend. I normally use one packet for 2 people so adapt as you wish. Or use normal rice if you're brave enough!
Tortilla chips to serve - you can go full blown Mexican nachos with this if you want to. Dollop the chilli on top of the tortilla chips, sprinkle with cheese and top with sour cream, guacamole, salsa - the lot!! Boom! Loaded nachos!

Method (this sounds technical, like a science experiment. It's not, I'm a novice and I can do it, so so can you):

1) Boil your kettle for your stock and then leave your stock cube to infuse (do stock cubes infuse?! They do now!) in 300ml of boiling water.
2) Finely chop your red onion
3) Get yourself a big old pan with a lid (it doesn't have to be old, just big) and stick it on the hob on a medium heat. Spray lightly with Frylite.
4) Add the chopped red onion to the pan and stir fry for 2 minutes.
5) Add the vegetable stock and leave to simmer for 5 minutes with the lid on the pan (this will nicely soften the onion) 
6) Remove the pan lid. Then add your baked beans (plus juice), drained cannellini beans, tinned tomatoes, and drained and washed kidney beans.
7) Add cracked black pepper to taste (I love the stuff but I know some people aren't so keen, so as you like), 1 tsp of medium chilli powder and 2 tsp of smoked paprika. (Confession time: these measurements are a guess because I normally just shake and hope for the best!)
8) Give it a good stir. Bring to the boil and then leave to simmer with the lid on, stirring occasionally, for 20-30 minutes.
9) Finally, serve with rice or as loaded nachos. Or even better, serve with rice AND do nachos! Whatever you fancy.

And there you have it... My super easy, gluten free and vegan, one pan, cupboard ingredients meal, Smokey Bean Chilli! (Crikey, that was long winded)

Let me know how you get on if you try it! In the meantime, ramble on...


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